Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Banana Apple Diet

The banana apple diet began in spring 2006. The diet fundamentals are replacing servings from meats/tree nuts with a serving of banana and apple. A banana has 100 calories with low grams of fat and the apple has 90 calories for a medium sized apple.

Replace meats and tree nuts with a banana and apple will lower fat and calorie intake making it possible to lose 3-4 lbs a week. Another aspect of this diet is replace all 1%, 2%, and whole milk with fat free milk. No chocolate mixes or syrups. You can still have grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and limited fat as long as the meats and tree nuts are replaced.

Apple juice from concentrate is another alternative to the high calorie drinks. All concentrate juices are acceptable for this diet. This diet helps build up the immune system also from the cold and flu. It is a suitable diet for the whole year but is most popular in the summer and fall.

The banana provides health benefits in potassium, protein, and carbohydrates. A banana also has high vitamin A & E. It also binds up waste in your colon. Do not eat too many banana's in a short time or you might experience constipation which is a common side effect of this diet. It is another hard diet to stick to because the fruits get tiring very fast.

To make the best out this diet there are a few ways to make it as delicious as possible. Adding cut up apple and banana in cereal is a popular breakfast option. Using peanut butter sparingly on the banana and apple is a good idea for a snack. As peanuts are not a tree nut so it still follows the diet.

Good luck to all of you trying the diet and good luck with future weight loss.

Matthew Corgan
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How to Cure Acne With Apple Cider Vinegar

There are many home made treatments that do help to control acne. But when you think about apple cider vinegar, I bet you don't think about acne. But over the past few years sufferers have found apple cider vinegar is a superb acne cure. With many people reporting that it helped cure their acne.

Now you probably know that eating apples every day can help control yours, but who would of thought drinking apple cider vinegar each day can completely cure your acne. Now the method in which to cure your acne with apple cider vinegar is to drink it. Now drinking a class of apple cider vinegar can be quite disgusting, and if you havn't got a strong stomach I don't suggest this. But what I do suggest is mixing the apple cider vinegar with a green tea, and you should be drinking one cup of this a day. Now I can't say how long you need to carry out this method, as it varys from person to person. But from experience I'd say no less than a month. And you will see a huge difference.

Why is apple cider vinegar good for acne?...

It's a known fact that apple cider vinegar improves the function of your liver, kidneys and bladder and that helps to keep the clean of little nasties. Acne is often caused by toxins in your body, and apple cider vinegar helps break them down, so it's not hard to see how apple cider vinegar can help you cure your acne. Apple cider vinegar is also full of vitamins, which help keep the body healthy. So why not cure it with apple cider vinegar today!

Stop The Acne - Provides free information on how to get rid of acne. Including a free 24 page ebook on acne cures and acne treatments.

Apple Juice

How many times have you heard someone say – “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”?
But what you probably didn’t know is that there is a lot of truth to this statement!

It is a well known and propagated fact that fruits such as apples are very good for health as they provide essential nutrition to the body. However, research at various levels is proving that both apple and apple juice are highly nutritious items that must be made a part of our diet to remain healthy and happy.

What is Apple Juice?
Apple Juice is a popular fruit juice that is extracted by crushing apples. Since apples are crushed in large machines, apple juice is usually manufactured commercially and packaged well in large bottles and cans.

Apple Juice is beneficial for both children and adults for more reasons than one -

Apple juice contains very useful minerals that promote healthy and strong bones.
It is found to be useful in bringing down the risk of heart diseases.
A rich source of Vitamin C, Apple Juice provides the body with anti oxidant benefits that help in reversing cell damage.
Some research shows that Apple Juice can supplement the body in the case of Alzheimer's disease.

It is recommended to promote the habit of drinking apple juice from an early age in children. Doing so will promote good health from an early age and convince them to drink healthy rater than sodas and other aerated drinks.Zoe is made with organic Colorado apples.

Casey McConnell is the founder and owner of An Organic fruit drink with whey protein isolate.


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